You can take or collect exchange for your travel because you can get problem to take exchange visit
during rural areas.
You can carry some cash with you that are better option from traveler's checks. Cash is easier to
exchange from anywhere with good exchange rates. Many of customers charge you in dollars with higher
exchange rate from "official rate".
During tour you should carry your passport, plane ticket, money and camera.
You should aware about your next destination place from your current visiting destination.
If you are hiring any taxi make sure it should be unmetered taxi otherwise taxi driver will make
huge bill according to meter he will kept you from long way for more charges. So, try to hire taxi
on fixed prices.
You should ask about your tickets of flights if your one destination is far from other. You can get
fully schedule list with tickets from your travel planner or Travel Agent.
When you are travelling by foot or local vehicle for any particular place ask directions from
multiple people because it will give you idea you are going on right way.
Try to get up early morning or use alarm clock on your mobile as well. So, you can travel on time
for every journey.
If you are carrying any medicine with you during tour time check expiration date of all.